

【Creator of Another World】Unofficial Mod Loader 'maginai'

I've released Unofficial mod loader for Creator of Another World, 'maginai'.


With maginai, you can use mods in Creator of Another World.
Not only a mod loader, we also have some mods:

Quick Save/Load Mod
Custom Talk for Named NPCs Mod
Ability Tracker Mod

(My new mods will be added to the mods list in README_en.md of maginai)

You can learn how to use maginai and install mods with it by reading README_en.md and INSTALL_en.md ("For mod user" link).

Encounter any issues or have questions? Join our Discord server for CoAW modding:


We (at least me...) will help you!

(other contact information)

Note that Creator of Another World currently doesn't have an official modding API, so all mods are unofficial and fan-made content.
Please refrain from asking questions about modding on directly to the original game's author (kuetaro).